Mold Infested Apartment Injuries
Mold infestation or toxic mold is a growing problem with tenants across the country. Living in a mold infested apartment and inhaling mold spores can cause significant health issues. Common problems tenants experience from mold infestation are:
- Rashes
- Chronic fatigue
- Nausea
- Cognitive losses
- Hemorrhaging
- Asthma
- Lung failure
- Death
Recognize that not all mold is harmful. It requires an expert to investigate a situation to determine if a particular mold is harmful. Once toxic mold is detected, it then must be determined whether a person who has been exposed to mold has been harmed by inhaling or ingesting it. A blood sample from someone exposed to mold is the only way to know for sure whether the mold is present in the body.
Know your rights as a tenant regarding mold infested apartments.
If it has been determined that you or your loved ones have been exposed to toxic mold while living in an apartment and the mold caused significant health issues, it can be tricky to pursue legal action. There are no federal or Georgia laws providing permissible mold levels indoors and regulating mold in apartments. Only a few states (California, Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, and Texas) have passed laws aimed at developing guidelines and regulations for mold in indoor air. However, even if you live in other states your landlord may still be liable.
Liability for mold infested apartments depends on many factors, such as if the landlord failed to maintain the apartment and it resulted in mold. However, when a tenant’s own negligence is the sole cause of injury, the landlord is not liable. It’s important to read your lease and know your general rights as a tenant.
Landlords are legally required to provide tenants with a habitable residence. Suggs Law Firm, P.C. can assist you in reviewing your situation to determine if you have a potential case for negligence against your landlord.
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Call us at 404-400-3422.

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